
Friday, November 2, 2018

Part Five of our Anniversary Vacation--a Bucket List item crossed off

I first heard about Sight & Sound Theaters when I was working at the post office. Every year I would see the pamphlets come in the mail and I knew it had to be an amazing thing. I told myself that someday I would go there. I am so happy to say, I have been and it was all I hoped for and more.
Unfortunately I obviously couldn't take pictures of the show. These are all I took. The building is huge and impressive.

I think I was too excited and in awe to take more pictures of the outside. Here is a picture of the postcard.
We saw the play, "Jesus". If this is the one and only time I get to see a play at Sight and Sound, this is the one to see. It was inspiring and just phenomenal, perfectly done. There were live animals from flying doves to sheep and horses going up and down the aisles. There were stormy seas and Jesus walked on water. I bought the program guide and I could take a lot of pictures to show you but I will just share a couple so you can get an idea of what the set is like--just incredible.

It was not only in front of us, but on the sides too. I really can't do it justice in my descriptions--a gift for the eyes and the heart. If it weren't so far away, I would make this a yearly visit. But I finally made it, it was worth it and I will have the memory of how great it was. I loved it. It was worth the wait.

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