
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Yesterday I saw this teeny tiny toad. This is a regular size brick. The toad was about the size of a dime. It was quickly hopping going and doing whatever toads do. This morning I thought about that. As much as I hated biology, I thought about the frogs we had to dissect. Imagine the size of those muscles to help this toad leap? He has working organs--stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, intestines, esophagus, gall bladder. Just imagine how miniscule those organs are? He even has eye lids! This toad has so many "working" parts, no wonder they had us dissect frogs in biology class to learn a little about bodies.
Isn't the body just amazing? All these parts with specific functions performing together to help a toad jump or eat and just to live. It just boggles my mind to think of all those microscopic parts in that toad. It makes me wonder how can anyone ever think all this started accidently--a big bang. All these muscles, organs, bones just fell into place to work together? I think not.
For me, I believe in the divine creation, a master mind. I believe we are all fearfully (with reverence) and wonderfully made by God. To think of the anatomy of a dime-sized toad, also makes it believable that even the number of hairs on our head are known by God. Not only that, we are all made uniquely and are one of a kind. No one is exactly like you or me.
I have no doubt that God exists and thank him for creating not only the toads and all other creatures and mountains and oceans and clouds and stars and everything that exists but especially you and me and through faith, a heavenly home to live in one day
Psalm 139:14

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