If I were to tell you that our vacation destination was determined by our choice in fudge, you’d either think we were nuts or that we were writing a book about fudge. Well, neither is true.
It has been nearly a decade since we became familiar with Mt. Moosilauke Fudge. Two young men were selling it in the New Hampshire state building at the Eastern States Exposition. Honestly, it wasn’t just our sweet tooth that beckoned us over to their booth. They were (and still are) the lowest priced fudge at the Big E, however, we were pleasantly surprised that it was (and is) the best tasting fudge that we have ever had.
Every year we have visited their booth and bought fudge from them and tried to encourage them to expand or to do mail order so that we could satisfy our fudge fix more than once a year and give it as gifts. We believed and still believe that they have a product that could become famous.
They did not make their living on making fudge alone and one year they told us they were busy building a campground. We thought one day we would want to check it out. This turned out to be the year that we decided to go and little did we know until we got there, that this was the opening year.
We had gone online and saw that we could rent a little log cabin. The pictures online were accurate, but we could not fathom the cuteness that it emits in real life. It is sooooooooo cute! The cabin is right on the Connecticut River. There is a little porch with two Adirondack chairs facing the river—one a rocker. There is a fire pit and a picnic table. Inside, it is just a two room log cabin, compact but so homey. The bed is adorned with a Moose designed comforter. There is a loft for extra sleeping quarters. A table is against the front window overlooking the campground. There’s a unique sink/refrigerator/stove combination—everything you need in one small unit. A futon faces the TV and a little electric wood stove with the ambiance of looking like a real fire. We far from roughed it with cable TV and wi fi!
They did not skimp on the quality of the log cabins and everything is so well thought out.
We regretted having planned such an aggressive schedule of sight seeing that did not allow us to spend more than two nights. We did adjust our agenda slightly to spend an extra night and we will definitely try to go back next year. So that is how fudge led us to a place to stay on vacation. What is the name of the place? I don’t want to tell you because we know the more people that know, the less likely we will be to get to rent it again. Well, okay, I’ll tell you. It’s River Meadow Campground in North Haverhill, NH. Now that I’ve told you, if you go, please be sure to tell them that we sent you.
I don't know how to put more than three pictures on a post, so I'll post the others separately.
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