
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Valley Community Baptist Church 35th Anniversary

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Tonight we greatly enjoyed listening to the history of VCBC; reminiscing, worshiping, fellowshiping and eating at the 35th anniversary celebration. There were many people who returned. There were lots of hugs and reconnecting with people from the past. As a Mom, the highlight of the night for me, was being surprised by the life-size display of Ben and his testimony. It is such a blessing and encouragement to others that there is hope. The inscription reads, "I was brought up at Valley by loving parents, but I didn't really fit in. When a friend died, I suppressed the grief with drugs and alcohol and became addicted. It became a pattern. But, in 2010, I gave it up and came back to Valley. I kept a rock in my pocket for the longest time that I wrote on one side, "ye without sin may cast the first stone" and on the other, "love thy neighbor". Anytime I struggled, I grabbed the rock and read it. My community group has opened up to me and me to them, something new for me. I've got over 16 months sober. No problem is too big for my God."

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