We have purchased many new products at the Big E and some have been the wonder products that they tout and others have not. You never know. Nowadays, if we had a smart phone, we could google people's reviews but we are not up with the technology yet. There was a pricey item that we plan on googling at home to see what people say. We just dared not base our decision based upon the salesman's wonderful pitch. Even an unsolicited person in the crowd came by and said how much they loved it and we were almost swayed but decided to wait. We know if it is good, it will be back next year or we could buy it for more online. If we really, really want it, maybe we'd have to "suffer" going back to the Big E.
From the first time we had this fudge, we never tried any other and we drool with anticipation over it every year. Creamy and delicious!
When my favorite one was not on display--this gooey chocolate with nuts and caramel in the middle (to die for!), he went to a special stash and got me some. They are also one of the cheaper priced fudges at the fair at $9.95 a pound.
We pestered them for years to sell online and they dabbled in it, but went full speed last year and I did a lot of Christmas shopping there. A portion of the proceeds goes to cancer families, as this has touched them personally.
They are wonderful people and have wonderful products and I encourage everyone to visit their booth! I just can't say enough about them.
Another food tradition at the Big E for us is the Maine baked potato. Here is a picture of one of their masterpieces being created.
And here is our masterpiece! Ooey, gooey, artery clogging, but oh, so good! It was our breakfast.
We had such a long but casual day, with a lot of walking but a lot of sitting too, which made it all doable for us old folks. We saw the parade too, this year. George caught a lot of Mardi Gras Beeds which he bestowed upon me.
These are some random fair shots.
Often we go and go at the Big E running ourselves ragged, but this year we went to the circus. When I read about the acts performing, I felt good that I would not go away worrying about the treatment of the animals. It was fun to see the Olate Dogs in person after seeing them win America's Got Talent last year. I knew from the TV show just how much they love their dogs. They were so cute and entertaining.
At the circus we also saw a quick change artist, who was amazing, jugglers, the Human Arrow, dancing camels (the only act that made me wince worrying about the treatment of the camels) and a comedic performer All very entertaining and a nice chance for us to rest. We were glad we had the sense to line up almost an hour ahead of time and they let us in early enough for us to have longer to rest.
It was a great day. We thank the Big E for letting veterans in for free the first day. We also found a $3. parking place which was no further to walk than our usual $10. spot! We will go there from now on.
We did buy one new product without reading the reviews and perhaps I will review it at another time.
Food, entrainment and things to buy. Who could ask for more?
Hope you get to go and please go see our friends at Mt. Moosilauke Candies!
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