The lower picture is the best kept secret and the best buy of the fair. These neat little vibrator machines have always been only 25 cents for a couple of minutes. They vibrate below your feet and sends the tingling sensation up your legs. It is the quickest, most rejuvenating thing for only 25 cents.
We stayed eight hours (we took a leisurely pace and did spend almost 45 minutes with a man selling hearing aides). We still did not see all that we could have. There have been years in the past that we went more than one day--they used to have two day passes. But we did all we could do and we had a nice time on an absolutely beautiful day. I even bought a couple of Christmas presents and some piano Cd's for me for only $1. each and they are great.
One last remark. For all of your worrying about the economy and the financial institutions and their troubles, I want to let you know that people are doing their best to help them. The top picture is a line of people (behind the couple I accidentally caught on film). They are in line for the ATM!
Our minds were boggling when we thought of all the people there times by $10-$12 and all the cars in the lot at $15 (weekend price) to park. Wow, people are still spending.
I said one last remark, I lied. One more case you did the math. We started going in 1975 and we did miss one year. We don't have a perfect record--but close. It's a tradition for us and we hope we can do it for many more years.
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