We finally got to go back to Block Island. We priced the new high speed ferry from New London and it was $86. for two people. We opted to drive a little further to Point Judith in Rhode Island. They also had a high speed ferry, but we chose the cheaper $35. round trip for two, 55 minute ride. Besides, I think the ferry ride is part of the adventure and enjoyment--I never thought I'd ever feel that way. I have respect and fear of the deep, deep ocean. I always am aware of where the life jackets are and don't go near the edge of the ferry.
We had a nice day. In years past when we have gone, we have rented bicycles. Due to medical issues, we knew we couldn't do that this year. We toyed with the idea of mopeds, but they scared me a bit because I have never been on one and George wanted us to share one. I could just see us going around the corner and me leaning too much and us tipping. It is a flashback to 100 years ago (well, really about 34 years ago) when I was with this guy riding a snowmobile. He talked me into driving. Well, we went on these windy, hilly paths in the woods. I was having a wonderful time. Then we came out into this huge field. In the huge field, I took a turn too sharp and we tipped over on the hard crusty snow. I have never been so black and blue all over my body in my life!--And sore! I remember going home and soaking in a tub. So, I fear history will repeat itself.
So, we decided it was a nice day for a walk. We knew we wouldn't get to the other side of the island where it looks like what we imagine Ireland or Scotland looks like, but I convinced George to walk to one of the lighthouses that we had been to before. We knew it was an uphill climb, but we were game.
Now walking you do get to see somethings that you might otherwise miss. The top picture is just someone's yard with a pirate standing guard. The next beautiful fountain is in the yard of what I believe was a Bed and Breakfast place. The next three pictures are of this Suburban Artist. Quite interesting work, we thought.
I am told after the fact, that we must have walked right past a place owned by Christopher Walken, the actor. Also, because we were walking, a resident in his yard saw George's Vietnam Vet hat and stopped us to talk. Turns out he was at Pleiku too but a couple of years away from George's dates.
We were passed out by many bikes, a few cars and some mopeds and a couple of walkers. We also saw other people huffing and puffing and others walking their bikes, which we actually did the first time we rented them and went up that hill. Funny how your memory plays tricks on you. The hill just didn't seem that long.
The ocean pictures were the ferry ride to the island.
I don't know how to put pictures closer to the text, so I am going to have to continue this to part four to keep you in suspense as to whether we really made it to the lighthouse or not.
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