
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A message from God?

A customer in my post office today told me of the tragic death of his grandson. He was only 20. He was attending college in New Hampshire, but was doing a semester in Australia. This customer said that since his grandson was knee high that he always said that he wanted to ride a kangaroo. It is wonderful that he made it to Australia.

His death was a freak accident. He was out late (autopsy shows no alcohol or drugs)and came back to the bungalow and the door was locked. He banged on the door and the glass broke. A piece of glass pierced his aorta and he bled to death. Such a tragic, freak accident.

I wouldn't mention this incident here if it weren't for the next thing that he told us. They had a memorial service in Australia (and one in the states), but something unusual happened at the one in Australia. At the time of the service, outside there were eight kangaroos--they said it was unheard of that that many kangaroos would be there at that time of day.

This touched me. I feel this is a sign of God--a tribute to a short lived life on earth. No one could have planned a better tribute.

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Anonymous said...